Arlington Bad Road Conditions Accident Lawyer
Bad road conditions are a major problem throughout the state of Texas. Potholes and other problems with the road may lead to serious accidents in Arlington. These accidents could even involve large trucks. You could sustain injuries and damage to your vehicle in these collisions.
An Arlington bad road conditions accident lawyer could help in this situation. You may work with a lawyer to secure compensation for your losses. Find out more by calling (469) 998-4069. A law firm could take on your claim right now.
Information About Poor Roads in Texas
Many drivers feel like the roads in their area are in awful condition. Drivers in Texas may be more correct than they know. The Texas Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers assesses road conditions throughout the state. In 2017, they gave the roads in Texas a “D.”
A “D” grade indicated that the roads were below standard. Many of the streets were deteriorated and at risk of failure. Poor road conditions are a serious concern for drivers. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) reported that poor road conditions were responsible for 2% of all accidents around the country in one year.
Reasons Poor Roads Cause Collisions in Arlington
So, we have established that poor road conditions may result in an accident in Arlington. How do poor roads result in accidents? Drivers may lose control of their vehicles if they are traveling over poorly maintained roads. Potholes and other road damage may cause a driver to:
- Swerve into another lane
- Drive off of the side of the road
- Tip or even roll over
Damage to the roads can impact large trucks as well as smaller vehicles. These trucks may get unbalanced, especially if they are hauling a liquid load. They may also attempt to avoid areas of the road with serious damage. This could cause them to take a turn too sharply, causing an accident.
Liability for Accidents Caused by Poor Road Conditions
Sometimes, the state of the road causes a driver to wreck their vehicle. Liability in cases involving poor road conditions may get complicated. In many cases, the state of Texas expects drivers to adapt to the conditions of the road. This means that a driver could bear responsibility for an accident caused by road conditions. Drivers should adapt to damage to the road by:
- Driving more slowly
- Leaving more following distance between vehicles
- Avoiding aggressive or reckless driving
However, drivers are not always solely responsible for accidents involving poor road conditions. In some cases, the city may bear responsibility for a collision. A lawyer might help you build a case against the city if they allowed roads to reach a state of dangerous disrepair. You can discuss this option with a law firm if you call (469) 998-4069.
Results of an Accident Caused by Bad Road Conditions
Bad road conditions may get overlooked in Texas. However, they should get taken seriously as they may result in serious accidents. A collision caused by poor road conditions may leave you facing serious injuries. You may break bones or experience internal injuries. You may also face injuries to your:
- Head
- Brain
- Neck
- Back
- Spine
Your vehicle could sustain serious damage in a collision with a large truck. You may need to take time off of work to recover. Some injuries could result in a permanently disabling condition. You could deal with the effects of a bad road condition accident for the rest of your life.
Work to Get Compensation After a Truck Accident in Arlington
A lawyer may help you get compensation if you were hurt in an accident caused by bad road conditions. Your lawyer may investigate the exact causes of your accident. A lawyer could help you seek damages from:
- The truck driver
- The trucking company
- The city of Arlington
A settlement with the insurance company may allow you to secure compensation. You may also file a lawsuit against the individual responsible in some cases. Find out more about the options available to you after a collision.
Speak to an Arlington Bad Road Conditions Accident Lawyer
Reach out to a bad road conditions accident lawyer if you are hurt in Arlington. Start working on a claim to get compensation for your injuries. You may receive damages for your healthcare expenses and other losses. Find out how by calling (469) 998-4069. You may also fill out our online contact form.
We offer you a free consultation about your legal case. Focus on getting damages for your expenses now.